Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Staff Camp '10- Day 2/3

Wow, these days can go by so fast with so much work that it's hard to keep up with this! But let me just take a moment to catch you up.

Yesterday was camp registration and there were all sorts of tasks. Once all that craziness was over our "regular" duties began. Everyone runs recreation games and then for the services we have the following jobs:
Products- Kory, Kelsey, Bailey and Doug
Cameras- Marquin, Lindsay and Caylee
Backstage- Maddy, Jordan and myself

We talked for awhile last night about things that we wanted out of the experience. We talked about not being on autopilot and only doing tasks this week but really allow the Lord to work in us and see the people that we are ministering to, not just faceless bodies that happen to be around while we work.

I have some other things I'll probably share as the week goes on. If you'd like to send along any messages to the kids I'll make sure to deliver them. We would greatly covet your prayers for energy (it's REALLY HOT) and a Christ-like attitude.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Staff Camp- Oklahoma Baptist Day 1

Well, here we are on another serving adventure. I hate being gone from my family. I'm using the word hate here. But I love this week every year. It's an opportunity for our students to serve, to see the other side of what it takes to make ministry happen that they get to enjoy and so often take for granted.
We left at 7 am so we are pretty dog tired. Worked from 1 to 9 today helping "load in" with a little pizza break and meeting time. Look forward to some good reporting, but don't expect too many pictures. We're all working so there's not much picture time. I'll have to get Kory to post the picture of our favorite camper name that we saw from our nametag making party.

Love and blessings!!!!


Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 4 pictures up on facebook!

Day 4

Hello once again!
I write with much joy as I reflect on the day's activities. All of the students seem to really be forming relationships with each other that will be lasting and, most importantly, glorifying to God. The theme word of the day was sacrifice. The worship service tied this theme together by emphasizing missions. The camp pastor delivered a very convicting message of selfless service and willingness to GO and spread the gospel. During church group time, I was greatly encouraged by some of the things that were said. We have students in our group who really have hearts to serve others and a willingness to go wherever and do whatever the Lord has in store for their lives. One opportunity that was discussed ties in nicely with our church's summer theme of being radical. Jonathan Armstrong shared his heart about serving the people immediately surrounding our church. We, obviously, do not have details yet, but the students' hearts really seem to be in this and their wish is that it would spark a revival within the church. Our church is so blessed with so many resources and so many diverse people. The impact on our community will he huge when we really decide to step up and show Christ's love and compassion to our neighbors. Madysen also shared her heart and how she is starting to feel a call to mission work. Maddy doesn't know what that will look like yet or where she might end up, but it is so encouraging to see these students being receptive and open to whatever God may have in store for their lives. Continue to pray for us as we enter the last day of camp and the journey home. Also pray that we would not forget the change that has happened in all of our hearts upon our arrival. Pray for the mission work that is being done right domestically and abroad. We have been learning, specifically, about the Canadian mission work and the work that is being done with the Roma people (commonly referred to as gypsies). We love you all and are excited about sharing everything we have learned here!!

Pictures below:

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Camp is going great! God is moving and working. Will we obedient? Time will tell...

Day 3

Greetings once again from New Mexico!!
Well we are entering the home stretch of camp now, and, I must say, the mountain walking is wearing all of us down physically. However, I fully believe that our group is really starting to grasp more of what it means to follow Christ and love one another. In listening to our group talks, I really see and yearning in our students eyes to experience true community. The commitment is not one to be taken lightly and I think that your kids are beginning to understand the importance of living life with fellow believers. One thing that I really appreciate is the cohesiveness of the entire camp program. They are great about using EVERYTHING to reinforce the message. Today's message was about obedience. They illustration used was the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The key to this was radical obedience to God's instruction. When King Nebuchadnezzar asked these three men "what god is there who can deliver you out of my hands," they responded by telling him that they were going to be obedient NO MATTER WHAT! They assured the king that their God was powerful enough to deliver them. However, they said, "But even if He does not, let it be know to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up." This message was, obviously, hard to swallow but very important to the Christian walk. Continue to pray for us as we learn more about what it looks like to truly follow Christ. Also, keep our physical health and stamina in your prayers. We love you all!

Pictures Below:

Jay & Kolby playing tennis....sorta!

Adam and Maddy auditioning for the drama....THEY BOTH GOT PARTS!!!

Rachel trying to catch a kickball!

Lindsay, Kelsey, and Sadie at their creative painting track!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Also pray for Maddy and Adam as they will be performing Friday as well.
Please pray for Kelsey Merritt. She's come down with a pretty bad cold and feels terrible. On top of that she's supposed to perform on Friday in the service!!
Isn't Kory doing a great job with the blog? I'll try to post my thoughts here and there but he's doing the main blogging.

Day 2

Greetings again!!!
Well, the first full day of camp has finally come to an end. The camp day was quite eventful, full of recreation, bible study, and track times. All of this came to an end with the night life "Fuge County Fair." All of the students really seem to be enjoying their time here. We had some awesome conversations tonight as we began to process this idea of love and how it is supposed to practically be a part of our lives.
The bible study used the story of Jonah to illustrate God's love. At first, this may seem a bit odd or unfitting, but I can assure you that it was a very eye-opening and challenging message. The study focused on aspects of Jonah's story that aren't very familiar. Jonah missed out on the Lord's work in Ninehveh because he was not willing to let God's love flow through him. But this story also paints a picture of the gracious and merciful nature of our Creator. God gave Jonah chance after chance to get it right and, as we often do, he shoved it back in His face. But God showed his love to Jonah and the Ninehvites over and over again. This is the love that we are called to have. God demands sacrificial love from us. We are to be a continual outflow of the love and mercy with which God has so lavished us.
The group really seemed to grasp this concept well. However, putting it into practice is much more difficult than talking about it. Continue to pray for us as we learn who we are as a community of believers. Pray that we would develop a sense of intimacy that would demand accountability and encouragement from one another. Pray that the relationships that begin here will continue on far longer than camp. Thank you for being faithful to support us in prayer while we are away! We love you all!

A few pictures: (for the full album of today's pictures go to my (kory's) facebook page and look for the Glorieta photo album)
Fuge County Fair

Cody and Collin at their Battle-Ball track time

Joe at his hand-ball track time

One of the many amazing views!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 1...ish

Howdy from Glorieta, New Mexico!!!
As many of you probably know, we spent a couple of hours this evening in the ER with Aaron. There was a knife in his duffel bag that poked through and sliced his leg open while moving into our cabin. The good thing is that Aaron finally found his "lost" pocket knife. The bad news is that he had to get five staples in his left leg.
Anyway, we are finally here and all of the students seem to be really excited. I (Kory) can't wait to see how God is going to work in the lives of these teenagers this week. The camp theme is "Kairos-Defining Moments." Kairos is a Greek word meaning time. The emphasis will be on Love, Obedience, Sacrifice, Integrity, and Commitment and how all of these things define the moments of our lives. Pray for us as we study through God's truths this week and grow as a community of believers. Pray that we would develop a sense of TRUE Christian community that would not fade upon our return. We love you all!!

P.S. Some pictures are posted below!!
Welcome to Camp Mixer

Excited to finally be off the bus!!

Linda, Aaron, and Myself at the Emergency Room

Group Pic before leaving Amarillo (rhonda just thought she was off the hook)

Monday, July 5, 2010

We've been here 2 hours and Aaron has already been sent to hospital for stitches. Culprit: knife in bag

Sunday, July 4, 2010

We're Back and Posting!

Greetings blog followers (hopefully a bunch of parents)...
We are checking in from Amarillo, TX on our way to Centrifuge in Glorieta, New Mexico tomorrow. Here's a shot of the group relaxing a little after a long day and gearing up for camp!

Love everyone and please keep us in your prayers!!!